Hilton Head Island
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The SC Forestry Commission has issued a statewide Red Flag Fire Alert, effective immediately. Due to this Alert, recreational burning is NOT allowed on Hilton Head Island at this time. Yard Waste burning is also not permitted today.
Any type of outdoor burning will be prohibited until further notice. The Town's Burn line must be consulted on a daily basis prior to any outdoor burning. The Burn Line number is 843-341-4714. The alert will remain in effect until lifted by the Commission.
Learn before you burn!
Cooking in an outdoor fixed or portable barbecue, food smoking unit, and outdoor cooking stoves.
Outdoor fireplaces which receive a Town issued building permit and are properly maintained.
Fires for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, or other similar purposes.
View Recreational Fire Regulations
Fires for burning yard waste including, but not limited, to grass, tree limbs, branches, leaves, pine straw, pine cones and similar items.
View Yard Waste Burning Regulations
Violations of the burn ordinance are punishable by a fine and fees up to $1087.50 and 30 days in jail.